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The Spiritual Power Song Book

Here is your source for songs about Spiritual Power! "The Spiritual Power Song Book" is a free online song book. You can scroll down for a listing of all the songs in "The Spiritual Power Song Book" or do a word search for specific Spiritual Power Songs. You can link to "The Spiritual Power Song Book" page. Use our Spiritual Power Songs navigation link to find Spiritual Power Songs. So if you're looking for songs about spiritual power you are going to find songs about spiritual power right here. God has put incredible Spiritual Power into the hands of the Church, His called out Body. As yet, the people of God have not entered into this Spiritual Power that is already theirs. Let us labor that we may enter His rest. Let us take hold of the promises of God. It remains that while it is called today, while it is still this age, some must enter therein. It is true that, if you seek Him, you shall be endued with Spiritual power.  There will be signs following those who believe, but we must be careful that we are not following signs. The gifts of the Spirit are not Christian toys, but they are powerful Spiritual tools given so that we can manifest the fruit of the Spirit. They are the weapons of our warfare that will bring us to the manifestation of the sons of God. That is to say, total unity with and submission to Jesus Christ and total death to our own natures. They are the weapons of our warfare, without which we cannot hope to defeat the enemy. This sacred music is about this Spiritual power.