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Jesus, Oh Jesus

We take our authority, now, in Jesus Name
Let the captive be set free as His Blood we claim.
Jesus. Oh! Jesus. Oh! He is the One; let us lift up our hands as we pray.
Jesus. Oh! Jesus. Oh! He is the One; let us praise Him in worship today.

Let us all unite in one now in Jesus Name,
One in Jesus Christ, the Son, as His Blood we claim.

Jesus. Oh! Jesus. Oh! He is the One; let us lift up our hands as we pray.
Jesus. Oh! Jesus. Oh! He is the One; let us praise Him in worship today.

We command the sick, "be healed." now in Jesus name.
Jesus is our Sword and Shield as His Blood we claim.

Jesus. Oh! Jesus. Oh! He is the One; let us lift up our hands as we pray.
Jesus. Oh! Jesus. Oh! He is the One; let us praise Him in worship today.

We bind every evil force now in Jesus name.
Jesus is our Power Source as His Blood we claim.

Jesus. Oh! Jesus. Oh! He is the One; let us lift up our hands as we pray.
Jesus. Oh! Jesus. Oh! He is the One; let us praise Him in worship today.

Evil demons all take flight now in Jesus name.
All my darkness turns to light as His Blood we claim.

Jesus. Oh! Jesus. Oh! He is the One; let us lift up our hands as we pray.
Jesus. Oh! Jesus. Oh! He is the One; let us praise Him in worship today.

Pow'rs of darkness all must go now in Jesus name.
Let the Holy Spirit flow as His Blood we claim.

Jesus. Oh! Jesus. Oh! He is the One; let us lift up our hands as we pray.
Jesus. Oh! Jesus. Oh! He is the One; let us praise Him in worship today.

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