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We Need You, Lord. Teach us to walk in Your ways.
The leaders and religious,
The leaders and religious,
The teachers and the scholars of that day,
They knew their deeds were evil,
Yet they tried to come to God by their own way.
The patterns and the precepts,
And the orders of the Scripture they despised.
They followed their traditions,
And did that which was right in their own eyes.
We need You Lord.
Teach us to walk in Your ways.
We need You Lord.
Lord let our hearts be ablaze.
Lord, shine Your search light here in our hearts.
Cleanse us and teach us to praise.
We need You Lord.
Teach us to walk in Your ways.
The teachers and the scholars of this day,
They know their deeds are evil,
Yet they try to come to God by their own way.
The patterns and the precepts,
And the orders of the Scripture they despise.
They follow their traditions,
And do that which is right in their own eyes.
We need You Lord.
Teach us to walk in Your ways.
We need You Lord.
Lord let our hearts be ablaze.
Lord, shine Your search light here in our hearts.
Cleanse us and teach us to praise.
We need You Lord.
Teach us to walk in Your ways.
Psalms 86:11
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