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Many Substitutes
They should not be deceived by reasoned doctrine.
The Spirit would reveal but theories blind.
Because they think they know they cannot see it.
Yet the church will one day all be of one mind.

Many substitutes and orders made by men
Have been called the church in ignorance.
They didn't want the real, by the false they were deceived.
How often has the Spirit been grieved
How seldom has the Bible been believed.

The church is not a pattern with no power.
The church is not without authority
The church is not a form of man-made order.
God must send each one He sets to oversee.

Many substitutes and orders made by men
Have been called the church in ignorance.
They didn't want the real, by the false they were deceived.
How often has the Spirit been grieved
How seldom has the Bible been believed.

It is not the church if there's no growing.
The measure is the fullness of the Son.
Each member must build up with love that's flowing,
Thus transfigured by the Spirit in each one.

Many substitutes and orders made by men
Have been called the church in ignorance.
They didn't want the real, by the false they were deceived.
How often has the Spirit been grieved
How seldom has the Bible been believed.

Rom. 16:17, Eph. 4:14, 1 Tim. 1:3, 2 Cor. 10:8, Titus 1:5 , Eph 4

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