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Long Time Ago
Long time ago man lost a battle
With the prince of the power of the air.
He obeyed the serpent and became his servant
So each man is a slave throughout time everywhere
And death is the prize for each servant of the serpent.
They have not the power to escape from the snare.
There's much more to this story and partaking of His glory,
And there's much to be revealed as the Scriptures declare.
God sent His Son to win the battle
O'r the prince of the power of the air
He obeyed the Father and He obeyed no other
When He died on the cross, our sins He did bear
And life is the prize for each servant of the master.
The blood of the Lamb set us free from the snare.
There's much more to this story and partaking of His glory,
And there's much to be revealed as the Scriptures declare.
You now my friend can win the battle
O'r the prince of the power of the air.
Come believe God's Word. It is true what you have heard.
Just accept Him as your King and then you will share
In the life that's your prize. Turn your back on the serpent.
Join the family of the King; put yourself in His care.
There's much more to this story and partaking of His glory,
And there's much to be revealed as the Scriptures declare.
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