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Come Lord Jesus
All the world is grasping after
Pleasures that could never satisfy.
They grope in the darkness,
Not knowing what is happening or why.
They don't know they're groaning
For sons of God to manifest the Christ.
They don't know they need Him;Yes!
They need the Son of God to give them life.
Come Lord Jesus.
Abide within my lonely heart, I pray.
Come Lord Jesus.
Fulfill and satisfy. Lord, come and stay.
Come Lord Jesus.
Make me complete in You in every way.
Come Lord Jesus.
Bring love and hope and joy and peace today.
God so loved the world
That He gave His Son, the Babe of Bethlehem,
That anyone who trusts Him
Is forgiven and no longer is condemned,
And any who believes in Him,
As a babe in Christ, is born again,
With pow’r to grow to fullness, Yes!
To die to self and fully live in Him.
Come Lord Jesus.
Abide within my lonely heart, I pray.
Come Lord Jesus.
Fulfill and satisfy. Lord, come and stay.
Come Lord Jesus.
Make me complete in You in every way.
Come Lord Jesus.
Bring love and hope and joy and peace today.
The clatter of this earthly realm,
Rushing here and there to meet it’s goals,
There is no rest or comfort
For those who let the world take control,
But there is just one Person,
One Lord and Savior Who can make them whole.
And all who choose to seek Him know
That He gives peace and rest to weary souls.
Come Lord Jesus.
Abide within my lonely heart, I pray.
Come Lord Jesus.
Fulfill and satisfy. Lord, come and stay.
Come Lord Jesus.
Make me complete in You in every way.
Come Lord Jesus.
Bring love and hope and joy and peace today.
Isaiah 55:2, John 12:35, Rom. 8:19, John 11:25,26, Rom. 8:11, 1John 4:15, Psa. 17:15, Rom. 8:22,23, James 1:17, John 3:16, John 3:18, 1 John 5:1, Eph. 4:13, Luke 8:14, Isaiah 48:22, Acts 4:2, Matt. 11:28, John 14:21, Romans 8:19, 1 Cor. 12:7
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