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Unity and Harmony
The only way there will ever be unity in the church, God's way
1 The Church is Jesus' Body. It's order, now revealed.
We see It by the Spirit, but only when we yield.
Our God receives all glory, exalting Christ the King.
He, only, has preeminence, the Head of everything.

Unity and harmony
None having ascendancy.
Humility, authority
Of the five-fold ministry.
O sweet mystery,
Written in simplicity
The Scripture makes it plain to see
The order of God's Kingdom

2 And in the Church there is no chief elder ascending,
Nor any chief apostle, except for Christ our King.
Equipped with this foundation, one holy covering,
The Church will grow to fullness of Christ in everything.

Unity and harmony
None having ascendancy.
Humility, authority
Of the five-fold ministry.
O sweet mystery,
Written in simplicity
The Scripture makes it plain to see
The order of God's Kingdom

3 We are equipped with doctrine no longer blown about
By winds that sound so promising, but only foster doubt.
Man's private explanation of Scripture has all failed,
Now prophets and apostles receive what God's unveiled.

Unity and harmony
None having ascendancy.
Humility, authority
Of the five-fold ministry.
O sweet mystery,
Written in simplicity
The Scripture makes it plain to see
The order of God's Kingdom

4 We are equipped with judgment, just overnment restored.
Not government of men, but reigning of the Lord.
And setting local elders in every local Church,
The Spirit does the choosing; it's not by human search.

Unity and harmony
None having ascendancy.
Humility, authority
Of the five-fold ministry.
O sweet mystery,
Written in simplicity
The Scripture makes it plain to see
The order of God's Kingdom

5 The independent maverick, he cannot qualify.
He builds his little kingdom. to self he will not die.
The hirelings all run away when they cannot be paid.
For they love recognition and every accolade.

Unity and harmony
None having ascendancy.
Humility, authority
Of the five-fold ministry.
O sweet mystery,
Written in simplicity
The Scripture makes it plain to see
The order of God's Kingdom

6 There is no lording over, nor do they domineer.
No leading by persuasion nor brow-beating and fear.
So they lead by example. And we keep following,
As they into Jesus, the Christ, the King of Kings.

Unity and harmony
None having ascendancy.
Humility, authority
Of the five-fold ministry.
O sweet mystery,
Written in simplicity
The Scripture makes it plain to see
The order of God's Kingdom

7 And they equip through laying on hands and prophecy,
As God prepares each member with gifts and ministry.
Each member builds the others with those gifts from above,
With every joint supplying, they speak the truth in love.

Unity and harmony
None having ascendancy.
Humility, authority
Of the five-fold ministry.
O sweet mystery,
Written in simplicity
The Scripture makes it plain to see
The order of God's Kingdom

8 And they set local elders to shepherd every flock,
Those who receive the brethren are founded on the rock.
They set local deacons to make the Church complete.
Let God come in with glory and cleanse with fiery heat.

Unity and harmony
None having ascendancy.
Humility, authority
Of the five-fold ministry.
O sweet mystery,
Written in simplicity
The Scripture makes it plain to see
The order of God's Kingdom.

1 John 2:18-19

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