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There Is No Substitute For Jesus
All the things that men may do to substitute,
Those creations and theologies they institute,
All those things that they invent,
And their clever argument,
Cannot compare to Jesus.  (echo) Jesus

There is no substitute for Jesus.
We each must know Him as our Friend.
He must reveal Himself and fill us.
He must work through us from within.
There is no substitute for Jesus.
We must receive Him as our Friend.
The more we yield, the more He fills us,
Until we're glorified with Him.

So many ways that men may try to imitate
God's great moving by His Spirit but if we will wait
On the Lord and seek His face,
Then He shall touch us with His grace.
We shall touch Him, our Jesus.  (echo) Jesus

There is no substitute for Jesus.
We each must know Him as our Friend.
He must reveal Himself and fill us.
He must work through us from within.
There is no substitute for Jesus.
We must receive Him as our Friend.
The more we yield, the more He fills us,
Until we're glorified with Him.

All the things the men may do to substitute,
Forms and programs--dead and empty and so destitute,
Mocking Him on Whom we're built,
He Who takes away our guilt,
The King of Kings, our Jesus.  (echo) Jesus

There is no substitute for Jesus.
We each must know Him as our Friend.
He must reveal Himself and fill us.
He must work through us from within.
There is no substitute for Jesus.
We must receive Him as our Friend.
The more we yield, the more He fills us,
Until we're glorified with Him.

John 14:6

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