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The Kingdom He is Building in the Hearts of You and I
You know a little knowledge will puff you up with pride.
Our need is for submission that all our flesh may die.
The Kingdom He is building in the hearts of you and I,
Is shaking out the errors made by men.
Establishing authority again.

We can't discern the Kingdom with old unseeing eyes.
We must reach out to Jesus, His eye-salve we must buy
The Kingdom He is building in the hearts of you and I,
Is shaking out the errors made by men.
Establishing authority again.

O, Christian, if you're weary and feeling oh so dry,
Drink freely of His water, and It will satisfy.
The Kingdom He is building in the hearts of you and I,
Is shaking out the errors made by men.
Establishing authority again.

If you think you are wealthy--that you have now attained.
We must press on to fullness, whatever we have gained.
The Kingdom He is building in the hearts of you and I,
Is shaking out the errors made by men.
Establishing authority again.

If you want more of Jesus, to self you have to die.
Let fire of the Spirit now fully purify,
The Kingdom He is building in the hearts of you and I,
Is shaking out the errors made by men.
Establishing authority again.

1 Cor. 8:1, 1 Cor. 2:14, John 7:38-39, Ph'p. 3:14, Luke 18:22

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