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So Let Us Walk With Him
All of the man-made must now pass away,
Division and error will surely give way,
We won't disobey Him, the Spirit to grieve,
And in everything, we will hear and believe.

So let us walk with Him.
So let us talk with Him.
So let us enter in,
Walking and talking with Jesus our Lord.
So let us walk with Him.
So let us talk with Him.
So let us enter in,
Into the presence of Jesus our Lord.

The church is His temple. We'll build it His way.  Acts 14:23
The elders and deacons, we'll trust and obey,  Heb 13:7
Three levels of order, God's authority,
Home, local and world-wide, all one family.

So let us walk with Him.
So let us talk with Him.
So let us enter in,
Walking and talking with Jesus our Lord.
So let us walk with Him.
So let us talk with Him.
So let us enter in,
Into the presence of Jesus our Lord.

While man has tried vainly to keep doctrine pure,  Eph 3:5
God's way to give doctrine will surely endure.  1 Cor 2:10
He gives light to those whom He sets to receive,
And all He requires is that we believe.

So let us walk with Him.
So let us talk with Him.
So let us enter in,
Walking and talking with Jesus our Lord.
So let us walk with Him.
So let us talk with Him.
So let us enter in,
Into the presence of Jesus our Lord.

The mind of the lofty could never conceive,  1 Cor 1:19
It uses the Scripture to twist and deceive.
But precept on precept, and line upon line,
To His Apostles, God gives of His mind.

So let us walk with Him.
So let us talk with Him.
So let us enter in,
Walking and talking with Jesus our Lord.
So let us walk with Him.
So let us talk with Him.
So let us enter in,
Into the presence of Jesus our Lord.

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You may use it freely. You may not restrict its use. 
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