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Please Now Lift This Burden From My Shoulders
Lord, if I have bitterness or anger,
If I feel offended, slighted, stepped-on or ignored,
Please now lift this burden from my shoulders;
If I keep it I cannot get through That Narrow Door.

Lord, I desire Your Kingdom.
I need You so much more,
More than all my burden.
Please Help me through That Door.

If I have been worshipping an idol,
If power, pleasure, money, or success exhilarate
Please now lift this burden from my shoulders;
If I keep it I cannot get through That Narrow Gate.

Lord, I desire Your Kingdom.
I need You so much more,
More than all my burden.
Please Help me through That Door.

If my flesh is weak and I am slipping,
If my sinful nature tries to draw and captivate,
Please now lift this burden from my shoulders;
If I keep it I cannot get through That Narrow Gate.

Lord, I desire Your Kingdom.
I need You so much more,
More than all my burden.
Please Help me through That Door.

Lord, if I love my interpretation,
If I have theologies that I hold dear today,
Please now lift this burden from my shoulders;
If I keep it I cannot get through That Narrow Way.

Lord, I desire Your Kingdom.
I need You so much more,
More than all my burden.
Please Help me through That Door.

Lord, if I am seeking great attainment,
If I've sent myself to fight a battle in Your war,
Please now lift this burden from my shoulders;
If I keep it I cannot get through That Narrow Door.

Lord, I desire Your Kingdom.
I need You so much more,
More than all my burden.
Please Help me through That Door.

Lord, if I am arrogant and haughty,
If I've felt contempt that I am better than the rest,
Please now lift this burden from my shoulders;
If I keep it I cannot go through that final test.

Lord, I desire Your Kingdom.
I need You so much more,
More than all my burden.
Please Help me through That Door.

Lord, if I am comfortable in Zion,
If I am not pressing toward the mark with all my might,
Please now lift this burden from my shoulders;
If I keep it I may miss the fullness of Your light.

Lord, I desire Your Kingdom.
I need You so much more,
More than all my burden.
Please Help me through That Door.

Eph. 4:31, Mark 14:19, 1 John 2:16, 2 Peter 1:20 , Jer 14:14; 23:21,38; 27:15; 29:9, Prov. 16:18; 18:12; 30:13, Isaiah 2:11, Amos 6:1

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