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O Praise The Lord, The Lord Our God
Some people lie and say there is no victory.
They say that God will not remove our sin.
Our God has mighty power; He will set us free.
He will complete the work He has begun.

Oh praise the Lord, (echo)  the Lord our God
Oh praise the Lord,  (echo)  the Lord our God
We will fight and win the war and every evil foe shall fall.
Oh praise the Lord,  (echo)  the Lord our God
Oh praise the Lord,  (echo)  the Lord our God
Oh listen saints and hear that trumpet call!

Some people say that God cannot restore the Church.
They say that men's ideas must hold sway.
Our God has mighty power; I have seen Him work.
He builds on His foundation that He laid.

Oh praise the Lord, (echo)  the Lord our God
Oh praise the Lord,  (echo)  the Lord our God
We will fight and win the war and every evil foe shall fall.
Oh praise the Lord,  (echo)  the Lord our God
Oh praise the Lord,  (echo)  the Lord our God
Oh listen saints and hear that trumpet call!

1 Cor. 15:26, Acts 3:21

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