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Oh How I Long For The Manifestation
Oh how I long for the manifestation.
Lord unveil Your glory within.
Zealous to see full-grown sons take their places;
to be free from all sickness and sin.

I pray for thy Kingdom to come Lord.
Baptize with fire, Lord and set me free.
All pride and all ambition I give my life to Thee.
All power and position nail it to the tree.
Daily to self I am dying;
All on the alter I submit to thee.
All knowledge and all learning and all my mastery.
All strongholds in my mind Lord and my theology.

Oh how I long for the manifestation.
Lord unveil Your glory within.
Zealous to see full-grown sons take their places;
to be free from all sickness and sin.

Lord, by Your Spirit, take this flesh from me
All hate and all my anger all evil memory.
All sickness and all sorrow all pent up misery.
Daily to self I am dying;
All on the alter I submit to thee.
My money and possessions and all my property.
Take all I have of value, I give it willingly.

Oh how I long for the manifestation.
Lord unveil Your glory within.
Zealous to see full-grown sons take their places;
to be free from all sickness and sin.

I bring my sacrifice Lord unto Thee.
Take all my independence and my autonomy.
Lord bond me to Your body as my identity.
Thy kingdom is precious so precious.
All of my treasures are worthless as can be.
All projects and all programs and all my ministry.
Restore what is of You Lord. Burn off what is of me.

Rom. 8:19

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