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To print these lyrics, use your mouse to highlight the lyrics you want, then copy them by holding your Ctrl key down and pressing your C key. Then paste them into your favorite word processor and format them any way you want to. Then you can use them for song sheets or to send in emails or for making overhead projections or many other uses.

Now You My Friend, Just Follow Jesus
The Church is called to overthrow,
To overcome, to beat the foe.
The sufferings of the present will soon be past.
And glory will be all we know.

Now you my friend
Just turn to Jesus.
Walk in the Spirit.
That's how He frees us.
Just ask Him in;
Be born again.
Walk out of sin,
And into Him.

The Church is called to take the land
To build on rock and not on sand.
The separate little kingdoms exalting men,
Will topple at the Lord's command.

Now you my friend
Just turn to Jesus.
Walk in the Spirit.
That's how He frees us.
Just ask Him in;
Be born again.
Walk out of sin,
And into Him.

Walk in the Spirit and give good heed.
Obey His voice and He will lead.
The Lord knows all about it.  Just trust in Him,
And follow Him; He'll meet your need.

Now you my friend
Just turn to Jesus.
Walk in the Spirit.
That's how He frees us.
Just ask Him in;
Be born again.
Walk out of sin,
And into Him.

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You may use it freely. You may not restrict its use. 
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