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If You Feel Discouraged

When I think of David on the battlefield,
He knew God was stronger than a sword and shield.
When he fought Goliath, he was not alone.
God was right there with him guiding that small stone.

If you feel discouraged; if you feel sad;
If this day is worse than any day you ever had,
Just remember Jesus. He will make it right.
Darkness dies at His command because He is the light.
Dead arise; the fallen stand when strengthened in His might.

You have got the power--power from above.
Know that God is in you. Feel His pow'r and love.
You will be the victor. You will win the war.
You will rise and conquer. You have got the pow'r.

If you feel discouraged; if you feel sad;
If this day is worse than any day you ever had,
Just remember Jesus. He will make it right.
Darkness dies at His command because He is the light.
Dead arise; the fallen stand when strengthened in His might.

You have got the power--He is Jesus Christ.
Love, Joy, peace, and patience. He has paid the price.
Gentleness and goodness lives inside your soul.
Self-control and faith and He will make you whole.

If you feel discouraged; if you feel sad;
If this day is worse than any day you ever had,
Just remember Jesus. He will make it right.
Darkness dies at His command because He is the light.
Dead arise; the fallen stand when strengthened in His might.

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You may use it freely. You may not restrict its use. 
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