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To print these lyrics, use your mouse to highlight the lyrics you want, then copy them by holding your Ctrl key down and pressing your C key. Then paste them into your favorite word processor and format them any way you want to. Then you can use them for song sheets or to send in emails or for making overhead projections or many other uses.

Here In My Heart
Here in my heart, create a holy zeal
For Thy great Kingdom and show me what is real.
Test all my thoughts and actions now with fire.
Lord let Your Kingdom be my one desire.

Error and sin, Lord, You can conquer these.
They fight the Spirit just like a dread disease.
O'r all that hinders, take authority.
Lord, hush my ranting mind.  I must hear Thee.

Come, topple all the strongholds in my mind.
And any theory that makes my eyes go blind.
Cause me to see, and have a willing ear.
Dead form, I now renounce, so I may hear.

How many forms and doctrines can there be.
Idols of ego are man's is theologies.
Let Your light shine on all I think I know.
Set me on Your foundation, there to grow.

Lord let me go where You would have me go.
Open Your Word by the Spirit's mighty flow.
Let me discern the five-fold ministry.
O, give the eyes of faith that I might see.

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