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Go To The Highways and the Byways
Many are the sinners and the destitute
So compel them that they might come in
Not too many wise or of high repute
Oh! compel them that they might come in

Knowing the terror of our God, we persuade men.
We throw open wide the door named Jesus that they might come in!
We Go to the Highways and the byways
And compel them that they might come in.
We throw open wide the door named Jesus that they might come in!

Many are ensnared in dead religious forms
Oh! compel them that they might come in.
They can never join!  No, they must be born!
Oh! compel them that they might come in.

Knowing the terror of our God, we persuade men.
We throw open wide the door named Jesus that they might come in!
We Go to the Highways and the byways
And compel them that they might come in.
We throw open wide the door named Jesus that they might come in!

Many have been born, but they desire to grow.
Oh! compel them that they might come in.
Let them see the Rock! Let the Spirit flow!
Oh! compel them that they might come in.

Knowing the terror of our God, we persuade men.
We throw open wide the door named Jesus that they might come in!
We Go to the Highways and the byways
And compel them that they might come in.
We throw open wide the door named Jesus that they might come in!

Many walk in bondage when they could be free.
So compel them that they might come in.
Let the Lord anoint Your ministry,
And compel them that they might come in.

Knowing the terror of our God, we persuade men.
We throw open wide the door named Jesus that they might come in!
We Go to the Highways and the byways
And compel them that they might come in.
We throw open wide the door named Jesus that they might come in!

Many have a hunger and they feel undone,
So compel them that they might come in.
Go out to the sad and the homeless ones
And compel them that they might come in.

Knowing the terror of our God, we persuade men.
We throw open wide the door named Jesus that they might come in!
We Go to the Highways and the byways
And compel them that they might come in.
We throw open wide the door named Jesus that they might come in!

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