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Ephesians 4
He gives grace to each of us
By the measure of the Gift He has given,
When He ascended up on high He gave Gifts unto men.
And He gave some apostles,
prophets, evangelists,
Pastors, teachers--traveling ministries,
Foundational five-fold gifts.

They equip the Saints for the ministry
So the Saints build the Body of Christ.
Till we all come into the unity
Of the faith and the knowledge of Christ.

He gives grace to each of us
By the measure of the Gift He has given,
When He ascended up on high He gave Gifts unto men.
And He gave some apostles,
prophets, evangelists,
Pastors, teachers--traveling ministries,
Foundational five-fold gifts.

They are giv'n 'til we come to maturity,
To the measure of the fullness of Christ,
So that we can grow out of our infancy
And be free from what is not of Christ.

He gives grace to each of us
By the measure of the Gift He has given,
When He ascended up on high He gave Gifts unto men.
And He gave some apostles,
prophets, evangelists,
Pastors, teachers--traveling ministries,
Foundational five-fold gifts.

And each joint supplies in this body.
'Til we all grow up into the head.
And each Saint has gifts and a ministry.
So that by them the body is fed.

He gives grace to each of us
By the measure of the Gift He has given,
When He ascended up on high He gave Gifts unto men.
And He gave some apostles,
prophets, evangelists,
Pastors, teachers--traveling ministries,
Foundational five-fold gifts.

So the Saints grow up to maturity.
And by speaking the truth in God's love,
Let the Church grow up in totality.
Let it build up itself in God's love.

He gives grace to each of us
By the measure of the Gift He has given,
When He ascended up on high He gave Gifts unto men.
And He gave some apostles,
prophets, evangelists,
Pastors, teachers--traveling ministries,
Foundational five-fold gifts.

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