The audio files have moved to www.FreeGospelMusic.Net . This site is now used for lyrics only. To navigate the lyrics only site, click here
To navigate FreeGospelMusic.Net, click here.

To print these lyrics, use your mouse to highlight the lyrics you want, then copy them by holding your Ctrl key down and pressing your C key. Then paste them into your favorite word processor and format them any way you want to. Then you can use them for song sheets or to send in emails or for making overhead projections or many other uses.

Don't Be Deceived
Don't be deceived--Don't let them tell you lies.
The righteous one does righteousness--Don't let them tell you lies.
Don't be deceived--Don't let them tell you lies.
The righteousness that Jesus gives is real and genuine.
It's love, joy and peace,
longsuffering, gentleness,
Goodness, faith and meekness.
It is temperance.
Don't be deceived--Don't let them tell you lies.
The righteous one does righteousness--it's work by grace through faith.
Don't be deceived--Don't let them tell you lies.
The righteousness that Jesus gives is righteousness indeed.

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You may use it freely. You may not restrict its use. 
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