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Does Your Life Seem Empty?
Does your life seem empty,
Riddled with despair,
Praying into lonesome dark:
"Is anyone out there?" "Why isn't my life working?
Is there a God somewhere?"
Then, at last, the answer comes,
"I'm here, but do you care?"

"I've often spoken to you,
But you would never hear,
Speaking words of light and hope,
Of purity and cheer." "Long ago you heard me.
You thought that I was wrong.
Don't say your God won't show the way.
I've been here all along."

"And if you will receive me,
I've got my hand out still.
Find me while it's called today;
If you seek, you will." "I'll guide if you will yield.
I'll comfort and I'll feed
If, just, your heart will yield to me.
Just try me.  I will lead."

This song presents an answer to despair and emptiness. Numbers chapters 22-24
2 Peter 2:15 For a little background on this song, I was working in an apartment when I noticed a note taped to the door that said, in bold letters, "HELP ME UNDERSTAND . . ."  Next to that note was a photocopy of a typeset page--a spoof on the test of the Emergency Broadcast Network.  "This life is a test.  It is only a test. Had this been a real life, you would have been given more instructions on where to go and what to do."  These two notes, taped to a door, alone, side by side--they seemed so stark.  I wondered why they had been put up that way. The Spirit stirred in me after I read it.  Perhaps this person just put this up a joke, but there are people who really feel this way.  I could feel the compassion of God for those people.  Then the words to a poem started coming so I wrote them down. Later, God gave me the melody.

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