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To print these lyrics, use your mouse to highlight the lyrics you want, then copy them by holding your Ctrl key down and pressing your C key. Then paste them into your favorite word processor and format them any way you want to. Then you can use them for song sheets or to send in emails or for making overhead projections or many other uses.

God's Action Plan for Your Christian Life Song Book--free  Here is your free source for Christian Action Songs! "God's Action Plan for Your Christian Life Song Book" is a free online song book. You can scroll down for a listing of all the action songs in "God's Action Plan for Your Christian Life Song Book". You can link to "God's Action Plan for Your Christian Life Song Book". You can do a word search for specific Christian Action Songs or use our Christian navigation link to find Christian Action Songs. You can sign up for our mail list service to find Christian Action Songs. So if you're looking for Christian Action Songs you are going to find Christian Action Songs right here. Now is the time for action and God has an action plan for your life. You can take action, and you can look to God to direct and empower that action. There is no need to forge out on your own, but God has an action plan for your life. Heaven is within and it's at hand
You're the children of the Day
I've made thee hinds feet
The youth of this world
There's a time to laugh
Build up the waste places
Comfort the children
Take a stand if you can
The fires of Heaven