The audio files have moved to www.FreeGospelMusic.Net . This site is now used for lyrics only. To navigate the lyrics only site, click here
To navigate FreeGospelMusic.Net, click here.

To print these lyrics, use your mouse to highlight the lyrics you want, then copy them by holding your Ctrl key down and pressing your C key. Then paste them into your favorite word processor and format them any way you want to. Then you can use them for song sheets or to send in emails or for making overhead projections or many other uses.

Incline Thine Ear

Incline Thine ear and come unto me,
Hear and thy soul shall live,
I've made an everlasting covenant
And as my witness ye shall give.
The sure mercies of David,
That my nations now shall see,
Behold this Holy One of Israel
For He hath glorified thee!